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- Mouravieff-Apostol-Korobyine Archives
a) Archive Contents:
Biblioteque Cantonale et
Universitaire, Lausanne, Switzerland
b) Folder Contents
- Terestchenko Archives: KIEVSKI Centralni Gosoudarstvenni
Historicheski Archiv - No. 830 with 2065 items covering 1865-1918
- Terestchenko Archives: KIEVSKI Oblastni Archiv
- Terestchenko Archives: KURSKI Oblastni Archiv
- Terestchenko Archives: GLOUHOVSKI Oblastni Archiv
- Peter Apostol Diary 1725 - 1727 (Russian)
- Family Terestchenko, by Vitaly Kovalinsky, Kiev 2003
- Memoirs of the Decembrists , Russian Archives, Moscow 1982
- The Decembrists by Mikhail Zetlin , New York 1958
- Russia's Failed Revolutions by Adam B. Ulam, New
York, 1981 (English)
- Ukrainian Hetman, Dromin 2004 (Russian)
- The Mouravieff Genealogy by Serge Mouravieff, Paris -
Moscow, 1997 (Russian)
- About the Five Who Were Hanged by S. Schtraych, Moscow,
1926 (Russian)
For Better ~For Worse by Nicholas M. Apostol, South
Carolina, 2007 (English)
- Annuaire de la Noblesse de Russie , St. Petersburg,
1900 (French)
- Russian Heraldry and Nobility by Donald Mandich, Palm
Beach, 2000 (English)
- Apostol Sergei : povest' o Sergee Murav'eve-Apostole by
Natan Iakovlevich Eidelman, Published by Vagrius Moscow (2005); 349 pages
- Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia by Mark Raeff,
Published by Hearst, (English)
- Botttin Mondain de la Societe Russe by (French)
- The Shadow of the Winter Palace by Edward Crankshaw,
Published by (English)
- Readings in Russian Civilization by (English)
- The Twilight of Imperial Russia by Richard
Charques (English)
- The Princess of Siberia by Christine Sutherland